Plate 8. Burial-mound 1. 1. West face of the dromos
wall in the Central Tomb and the adjacent stonework;
2. Central Tomb, north-east sector. Layer of
clay between wattle and stonework; 3. Join of
first wattle circle and the collapsed fabric of the
North Tomb; 4. Profile of the clay cover over
the spoil of stones from the North Tomb, view from
the North; 5. Outer faces of the spoil from the walls of the North Tomb; 6. Inner faces of walls
of the entrance chamber of the North Tomb; 7. Ruined
section of the krepis in the north-east sector; 8. Ditto,
viewed from the outside. Plate 9.
Burial-mound 1. Outer surface of the krepis wall
(rolled-out plan, Sheet 1).